Story Time

I've never asked my readers for much except for love and support, but for today's post, I'd like to have my awesome followers contribute. I would like everyone to share stories about the craziest thing that's ever happened to them in a relationship. Relationships (and dates) can give us some hilarious stories and awesome(ly bad) memories. Did you get into a ridiculous public fight? Did you run off and get married in Vegas by midgets? Sky dive naked together? Please share by leaving a note/comment under this post. 

Eventually I will further shame myself by posting such things that I have experienced. But for now, I'm still a bit shy. Guys can be so stupid and I can be soooo naive!

Looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say. Thank you!!!


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hi there, I'm Alison and I'm the editor at WTFLoveLife. I see you liked our book and was wondering if you might ever like to guest blog for our site. You can reach out to me alison dot steedman at gmail dot com.


  2. Ha, so the only contribution was someone asking me to guest blog? I guess that's cool. Maybe my literary career will finally start to take off. I love getting ahead of myself.


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