Nice and Easy Does It

The last few posts were not really original...I feel like I cheated my readers by posting interesting articles I found. But hey, it's my blog. I do what I want!

Over the past few weeks I've been contemplating what I should write about on my blog. I tend to make things very personal and it can be uncomfortable for some. I never really want to offend anyone and that leads me to my topic - being too nice.

Break ups are hard, but I don't usually want my ex to drop dead. I can't turn off my feelings like a light switch, although none of my exes were bad guys. They did nothing wrong...things just didn't work out. However, I always want to fix things and play nice. That's what I do. When guys approach me, I still have a hard time being a bitch to them if I'm not interested. I usually try to make the situation not awkward for the guy, even though one might interpret that as being counterproductive, because if he's a creep, he should KNOW you're not interested. Being nice could lead to potential repetitions of obnoxious and creepy behavior. Although it is really fun to say "I have a boyfriend". Or if someone tells me "You're so beautiful" to respond with "Thanks, I know". It happened to me this weekend. I was dancing with a friend and a guy came up from behind me and said, "You know you're so beautiful." I bit my tongue and thanked him and gave him a big smile. He thankfully walked away and at his retreating back I couldn't stifle a "Tell me something I don't already know." My friend giggled but she agreed, if a guy is trying to pick up a girl with that line, it's a bit lame. But then are you supposed to "get in there"?

Over the past few years as a dating adult, I've been thinking about all the stupid and interesting ways men have tried to approach women. It provides for some hilarity. Spilling your drink on her. Bumping into her - and HARD. Like football check style. Picking her up and dropping her on her head (my personal favorite). Grabbing her ass (my personal least favorite). Commenting on her clothing. Offering to buy her drinks. First asking if she was single and then proceeding with his "game". Butting into conversations. Grinding up on a girl as she is dancing with friends.

I like things to be a bit more natural. When I met a certain guy, it couldn't have been any more perfect. The sparks were flying and the way his group and my group converged was perfectly executed. The cosmos were aligned. He sort of overheard a conversation between me and my buddy that wasn't meant to be secret. We established a connection and that night and the subsequent weeks turned out to be glorious. I look upon that time so fondly. Everyone deserves to be caught up in the moment like that. It's beautiful. I'm such a sentimental soul. Why did I have to be such a softy? I cry when I see roadkill. I get super depressed when I see people who are mentally handicapped (and then I realize how lucky I am). I openly weep watching certain, touching movies. I always try to help old people. I try to accommodate everyone. I want all my friends to be friends (not always easy). I can't ever truly be mean to someone, I always regret it...although my road rage is pretty rockin'. I'm just too nice. I'm trying to harden myself a bit, but usually my tough girl act is just a show. My heart is as warm as a brick pizza oven. Sigh.


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