Batman and Bros

Yesterday was an epic day. Seeing "The Dark Knight Rises" in IMAX felt like a life changing cinematic experience. I cried, I shrieked, I laughed, I cheered, I came out of the theater feeling like I was high. The quote of the night became "I Joseph Gordan Loved It!" because I realized just how much I love Joseph Gordan-Levitt.

Yes, please! Where can I find me one of these????

But to get to the point of my post...after the movie, which I watched with a group of friends, we went back to my place and enjoyed the rain, drank some wine and discussed the film. Then we went to Casey's for a delicious dinner and adult beverages and continued to discuss various topics. Two of my friends left, one of them being the only other girl in the party and the other being a very tame guy, leaving me with my two guy friends. We started having a very serious philosophical talk about life.  What's the point of anything? Why do people care so much about what others think? Gawking at all the hipsters with their mustaches and jorts and tattoos and gauged ears - they all seemed fake.  All the little bees buzzing around in their own worlds.  One of my friends was particularly upset about all of this and how there seemed to be a lack of friendliness.  I try not to judge, I just people watch and amuse myself at what people do for attention and how they dress, but I totally agreed.  The warmth, the "menschlichkeit" was lacking.  Regardless, it was a great conversation and I really felt so awesome talking to people who share my mindset about life. I used to despair about living in Arizona but talks like that make me realize there are people I truly care about here and who are intelligent and funny and challenge me as a person.

Then another (male) friend joined us.  Still being the only girl in the party, the talk turned to penises and often came back to that topic.  There were points where I had to walk away because the conversation was simply gross.  Or I would squirm and squeal at the vivid and disgusting imagery and comments made by my guy friends.  I think they took some pleasure in that.  But we also were able to turn the conversation to more scholarly topics, thanks to me.  We discussed translation, language equivalency and biculturalism.  We also talked about socialism, capitalism, communism, the downfall of America, Stalin, the current political situation in America and other heavy topics.  But without fail, the topic always seemed to return to wieners.  And at some point boxing and aggression.  Basically lots of manly topics and I wound up shaking my head, rolling my eyes and begging for some female company - mostly as a joke, but it would have been nice to be relieved of the guy talk at times.  But I think I somehow feel at ease with guys...or rather with anyone who doesn't talk a bunch of bullshit.  I speak very freely.  I pride myself on being an intelligent, funny, outspoken, remotely attractive, intimidating woman.  It's who I am and I find that people who don't mind my swearing and getting into intense ideological conversations tend to generally be guys.  I haven't met too many ladies out here who are like my friends back home (IRIS! ZOYA! SARAH BECKER!) and who think outside the box and question and challenge.  So I tend to have these conversations with men.  But penises reign supreme when you're hanging out with a bunch of dudes.  Ugh.


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