
Ever heard of Iago? Most of you may know him as the trouble maker in Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello". Love the tights, dude!

Some of you may remember him as a little, obnoxious parrot in Disney's "Aladdin", voiced by the incomparable Gilbert Gottfried.

Either way, Iago is what you would call a sinister villain. He gains your trust and plots your demise behind your back. Not a nice guy. In Othello, he makes the eponymous protagonist believe his wife, Desdemona, has cheated on him. These charges are false, but before the truth is discovered, Othello has strangled Desdemona in a fit of peak. It is later revealed to Othello that Iago caused this tragedy and Iago is arrested, however, remaining taciturn about his actions.
Iago had such hatred in his heart, he corrupted everyone around him. Rather than communicate his feelings to Othello (feels he should have been promoted, is insecure, thinks his wife is cheating on him), he chooses to destroy him.
Communication is key to any relationship - familial, platonic, romantic. You remove that element and the relationship will fall apart. There will always be Iagos on the path of life, but you need to identify them and keep them at bay or they will manipulate you and bring you down. I've tried to remove all the negativity from my life and am the exact opposite of an Iago to everyone I meet. I genuinely want to spread love and peace and happiness and making someone else happy is the greatest feeling in the world. I hope we can all agree.
Readers, don't be an Iago. Love and support those who are important to you, because they will do the same for you.


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