Douches beware

It has been pointed out to me by an avid reader that I am hypocrite. Whoops. I said I had a set of rules in an earlier post but then I said you have to throw them out the window yesterday. I fully stand by both posts, but the latter one is my general philosophy. The former was a negative reaction to a less than stellar experience with a guy. But, in my spirit of flexibility and compromise, I will say this, if there is any rule that holds true always and forever, it is the following:


Now let me doesn't matter if a guy has kids, has four ex-wives, isn't that cute, prefers texting over calling, has a farmer's tan, is slovenly, has a low-paying job, whatever - if he treats you with respect and showers you with love and affection, he's worth a few dates at least. Some situations (like a man's unemployment, his filthy habitat, etc.) might not rectify themselves after a few dates, so then you pull the plug, but writing someone off from the beginning means you're not taking any risks. But if he's a douche, no matter how gorgeous and seemingly perfect he is, he's not worth anything. If he jerks you around, doesn't contact you for a week and then suddenly asks to see you, never really offers to take you on a proper date, sends cryptic text messages, shows little or no interest, he's a douche.

That's only rule of dating:



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