Puppy Love

First post of the new year. Thanks for sticking with me, everyone. I'm still in my transitional phase. Moving, holidays, job hunting - sure makes one tired and not have any time or energy for fun things!

Last night, and unfortunately most nights, I couldn't fall asleep. I was lying in bed, covers wrapped round my head and sighing heavily, wishing sleep, that elusive mistress, would take me for a few hours off to slumberland. My thoughts turned to that certain someone who would have wrapped his arms around me and told me everything would be all right. Alas, he is many miles away, but luckily before my thoughts turned to ones of despair, I realized I had a little ball of joy right there next to me. My dog!

All curled up in her purple fleece blanket, all ten pounds of her, my Chin-Pin named after one of my rock and roll idols: Presley. She has been a great source of comfort to me. She is sleeping in her bed, inches from my chair as I type this. She follows me around like a little lamb, is excited whenever she sees me, constantly wags her tail and hardly ever causes a fuss as long as I'm around. What a wonderful and magnificent little creature!

My views of life have changed over the years and I often wonder what the point of life is. Presley reminds that it is to love one another unconditionally and to spread happiness, joy and positivity. Might seem silly, but that little ten pound squirrel chasing nut is the perfect example of love. Stick together, love one another and all is well. Call me naive, call me cheesy, call me stupid if you must, but being nice costs you nothing.

A happy new year to all. I hope you realize that we should be nice to each other all year round and not only during the winter holidays.



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