An encounter with the stars, Part Two

While this blog originally focused on my dating life (or sex-scapades, but without the sex because my family reads these posts!), I have been posting more and more about film. I feel the topic of film still fits with the overall theme because I love film and I love talking about film, film stars, directors and overall film nerdiness. I have always been a film nerd, but have morphed into an even bigger one over the years, especially while writing my dissertation - or to use the lovely German word: Doktorarbeit, literally translated: "doctor work" - on German cinema. I will admit that is a bit of niche topic for American readers, and hell even for some German ones, and certainly for those who are not interested in film, but I appreciate you reading this (if you are indeed reading this).

My post begins today with a note of thanks. My friends Maryann and Marina gave me the perfect Doktortitel-Geschenk (doctorate gift): a ticket to attend the Berlin premiere of the latest film starring Elyas M'Barek (see my last post: An encounter with the stars) entitled Dieses bescheuerte Herz last night. This was, surprisingly, the first time I attended a real-life red carpet event. And I must say, it was pretty awesome. I'd like to share with you my experiences and attempt to say something poignant in the meantime.

Compared to my last encounter with Mister M'Barek, this one was different for several reasons. One: there were copious members of the press. They received first priority and access to the stars, which meant the general public had less opportunity to ask for selfies and autographs. There was a large physical barrier between us and the red carpet. Two: there were so many people in attendance. The lobby of the Zoo Palast theater was packed! It made the atmosphere more exciting, although I find Germans far more subdued than Americans. Three: Despite the large crowd, there were far less young girls in attendance. There were people of all ages, and something I really thought was neat, quite a number of young boys. They all wanted pictures with M'Barek because he's just so cool. But with this kind of mixed crowd, there was no one shouting out inappropriate things like at the Leipzig FjG 3 Kinotour. That was a welcome change! Four: Not only was there a large audience gathered, I thought it was great to see more Promis (celebs this time around, even if I didn't get a selfie with M'Barek. Bummer. But you can't have it all. I did, however, get plenty of pictures and videos of him. Some of them, as a friend pointed out, even looked as if I was with the press!

Lars Amend, Philip Noah Schwarz, Daniel Mayer, Elyas
Elyas discussing the film with the press

With all the excitement of the flashing lights, the cameras rolling as interviews were conducted, to hear the photographers yelling out, watching the celebs up close and to be ushered into the same theater as the celebs (no VIP area or separate theater), I felt somehow in touch with the film community in Berlin in ways I never could in the U.S. Despite the missed opportunity for a selfie with Elyas (bummer), I was able to get selfies with Florian David Fitz and up-and-coming young Berlin actor Paul Lux (he plays a role in the new German Netflix series Dark). Florian was quite charming and adorable, although that didn't surprise me, and we spoke to one another in English. He even knew Chicago was called the Windy City! I'm finding it really surprises the German celebs to have an American fan in the crowd, but I guess that makes sense. Paul was really sweet. He gave me a few high fives and we chatted about the show. His mother was also there and apparently it was her birthday last night, but she said she was happy to hear that I enjoyed "her son's show." Side note: My boyfriend and I really recommend Dark to anyone who has yet to see it. It makes you think about time and how we perceive the world, even if it leaves you scratching your head. But somehow in the good way.

Florian snaps a selfie with me and Marina!
Representing Berlin with Paul Lux!

Needless to say, the evening was an overall success. I had a great time, the film was cute, I was able to geek out and luckily Marina put up with my polite but paparazzi-like doggedness to get pictures.

And if there is to be a point to any of this rambling, it would be this. First, being at the Zoo Palast last night at the film premiere made me realize how glad I am to be in a city with a great film culture. And second, how even more glad I am to have landed at UIC a few years ago with a department so strongly versed in German cinema. It was such a challenge for me to write my dissertation and finish the PhD, but I'm glad I did and now I'm ready for the next adventure, which might have something to do with film...shocking, I know. But you should spend your life doing what you love. And I certainly love film.


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